November, 2020 Election: FSLVW Questions for Candidates
Emergency Preparedness
The CZU Lightning Complex Fire demonstrated the need for the SLVWD to address emergency preparedness for its vulnerable infrastructure and to cooperate with other regional agencies responsible for wildfire and fuels management in SLV. Seven storage tanks, all 7.5 miles of raw water supply lines and transmission water mains between tanks were destroyed in the wildfire. Electrical lines and equipment as well as communications lines and equipment vital for operations were also damaged or destroyed. These damages led to loss of fire-fighting water as well as degraded water quality for many District ratepayers after the fire, with undefined consequences for basic needs.
What suggestions would you make to address not only wildfire but also earthquake and mega-rainstorm preparedness in the permanent repairs to this infrastructure?
Beth Thomas:
Tina To:
Gail Mahood:
Lew Farris: